DLOmix - Deep Learning for Proteomics🔗

Documentation Status - Build Status - PyPI Status

DLOmix is a deep learning framework for proteomics. It is designed to provide proteomics researchers with high-level functionality for building and training deep learning models for proteomics data.

The goal of DLOmix is to be easy to use and flexible, while still providing the ability to build complex models. DLOmix is built on top of TensorFlow/Keras and maintains compitability with many Keras features.



DLOmix is in its early stages, current release is a pre-release version. Changes to the API are highly probable. If you have feedback, ideas for improvements, or if you find a bug, please open an issue on GitHub.

DLOmix can be installed via pip:

pip install dlomix

To get the dev version, you can install directly from GitHub (develop branch):

pip install git+https://github.com/wilhelm-lab/dlomix.git@develop

If you decide to use Weights & Biases for reporting, you can use the extra install command:

pip install dlomix[wandb]


Experiment a simple retention time prediction use-case using Google Colab Colab RT

A version that includes experiment tracking with Weights and Biases is available here Colab RTwandb


More learning resources can be found in the dlomix-resources GitHub repository.

Package Reference

Indices and tables